About Crux Move Consulting
Building effective leaders, teams, and organizations.
Crux Move Consulting is a professional organizational development firm that helps build effective leaders, teams, and organizations through experiential learning. We use our training and educational tools to help organizations be more effective and profitable.
Our consultants are degreed professionals with licensing and certifications for the programs and activities we offer including serving as authorized partners of The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ and the suite of Everything DiSC® tools.
A Letter from Michael
We are a little different than most learning and development organizations. We aren’t for everybody and we aren’t trying to be.
It’s not our forte to do the training version of “one and done”. We are interested in developing a partnership with our clients to accomplish their goals in a sustainable way.
Our ideal clients are reaching for something or running from something, but either way, they have a sense for a future that is important to them and they know that it has to start with leadership. Sometimes they are clear on exactly the changes that need to be made to reach their business goals. Other times they just know that they could be better and we work with them to clarify which indicators of organizational health or business success will create the needed improvement.
Once we have clarified the areas for improvement, we both have something to measure our performance against. After all, you are making an investment and you should have a sense of how to measure your return on that investment.
I think who you are comes through in what you do, you in your work, and us in ours. So you should know a little about us.
Crux Move is a boutique consulting firm established in 2001, born from years of group process work done at one of the first independent, experiential learning and development facilities in the Midwest.
A philosophy grown from an educational background in counseling psychology combined with a passion for experiential learning and measurable results has created a bias for being real, being accountable, and maintaining healthy relationships. That unique focus means that we work with you to create an environment where the most important issues get discussed and, through the process, you learn how to create the space and develop the relationships to make it a part of your culture.
For decades we have partnered with leaders and their teams to create the relationships and environment necessary to have the real conversations that they need to have in order to accomplish their business goals.
We focus on developing leaders, teams, and organizational cultures that promote exceptional performance and where the ability to be real with each other is an expectation and a competitive advantage because of the impact it has on the accomplishment of your goals.
If you see anything here that scares you off, well, we understand. The research will tell you that making significant change in the workplace isn’t easy. But if you are looking for a partner that you can trust to make real change happen, we welcome hearing from you.
And please take a look at what our clients have to say. These are real people who have accomplished some extraordinary things in their workplace once their people and the culture aligned with their vision of the future.
I hope you find what you are looking for on our website. If you don’t, please give us a call.
Best regards,

Michael Srodes
Owner, Crux Move Consulting