Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy approach at Crux Move Consulting was initially developed for use with a large energy company working to change their culture by helping leaders develop a more team focused leadership style. This design called for initial work with the senior leadership team and with their input, sessions were delivered to all people leaders. Typically, these classes are comprised of a maximum of 20 strategically chosen participants per session. As a secondary objective for this client was to dismantle silos by strengthening relationships, each training session was comprised of leaders from across all functional areas of the company.
Because most leaders are also team members, both leadership and team development concepts are woven throughout the training process. Using senior leadership team members as mentors in each session ensures philosophical alignment from top to bottom and builds strong connections throughout all levels of leadership in the company.
The Crux Move Experience
We guide participants through a series of steps designed to build relationships and drive success.
Step 1
Crux Move works with senior leadership to identify the cultural attributes that will ensure your company’s future success, establish the set of leadership capacities and skills required to drive the cultural change, flesh out the design and scope of the academy experience, bring together the curriculum, and identify the external and internal experts to deliver it in a powerful way.
Step 2
We pilot the Leadership Academy with your senior leadership team. The role of senior leadership is critical, from providing design and content input and context on the front end to serving as mentors during the academy and then coaching graduates as they begin to bring their new skills into your culture and their work.
Senior Leadership involvement in this firsthand experience ensures your input gets implemented deeply into the process, that the curriculum fully aligns with your values and intended outcomes, and that your leaders have a rock-solid understanding of how they contribute to the culture change and success of their company.
Step 3
Crux move works with your internal professionals to develop your process for evaluating each session and the overall results against the intended outcomes. Regularly scheduled check and adjust milestones ensure continued refinement of the process, the academy program and the intended results.
Step 4
Each session uses the training group experience as a metaphor to explore team and leadership concepts. In addition to considering leading edge thought on team and leadership concepts, leaders participate in real activities that require them to work together the same way the need to at work. Success or failure on the activities both open the door to identifying meaningful truths about what impacts team health and success, providing the opportunity to consider the influence and responsibility they have as leaders.
Step 5
An important step in protecting your investment and ensuring that your efforts are impacting your organizational culture and bottom-line business goals is the follow up. You hold “reconnect” sessions for Academy Alumni. Crux works with you to design and facilitate reconnect meetings combining multiple session groups with the goal of bringing the experience back up on the “front burner” and expanding the relationship network of Leadership Academy graduates.
Crux works with every client to tailor a design specific to their objectives and circumstances. Over the years we have developed a number of options that serve as solid masters to begin applying client specific attributes to ensure their objectives and to make it their process. All use powerful tools from both team development and leadership development processes.