Mark Palkowski, MS

Many of the leaders who are Crux Move’s current clients have been clients for years. Through the twists and turns of their careers, and especially as they move up to the next rung on their career ladder, they have made Crux Move an extended part of their team and a partner in their successful process. Over the years Mark has held various leadership positions within the pharmaceutical industry, specifically with Pharmacia, Pfizer and Zoetis. With each new opportunity and a new set of challenges he knew that the strength of his leadership team impacted everything else they touched, and that the health of their relationships impacted the leadership they provided, the culture they created, and the results their organization delivered.
I recently asked Crux Move to join me for coffee. My primary purpose for meeting was to thank them for the impact that our work together through the years has had on my leadership, my career and on me.
I had my first experience with Crux Move back in 2000 as a member of a pharmaceutical manufacturing leadership team. Since then, I’ve had many experiences with them, both as a member of three different leadership teams, and as the leader of my own teams. No doubt, had I not had those experiences, I would have gone through my career and considered myself a “good” leader. So, what’s different now, and what was it I gained from all those Crux Move experiences and my relationship with them? For one thing, I’m much more aware. I’m more aware of the human dynamics within my teams, I’m more aware of my own dynamics as a leader, and more importantly I’m better able to manage all those dynamics so that my teams and I live up to our potential. What I learned most from Crux Move is how to create and nurture a healthy culture. I’ve come to strongly believe that that is the critical foundation for all the other work that gets done.
The Crux Move team helps you to create a safe and effective environment for personal and team growth using their “responsible risk-taking” approach. I continue to get valuable insights every day that came out of the journey I took with them. They are the best I’ve experienced in creating opportunities for breakthrough insights. They help you finely hone your skill sets using a unique combination of classroom training, discussion and experiential activities, that together reinforce the leadership and teaming concepts. In my opinion the Crux Move experience results in the fine-tuning of good people into lifelong great leaders.
I have come to believe that being a “great” leader requires a balance of confidence in your abilities, and enough humility to realize that there are people who can help you become better. In that regard, I’ve learned the value of allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Crux Move definitely helped me on my own journey from good to great and I am very grateful for that.
Mark Palkowski, MS, (Fmr.) Zoetis | Global Manufacturing
Currently: Chief Operating Officer, MI Smiles Dental Group