The Crux Move Tools
You can see that people are invested in each other’s success and they really do have each other’s back. When they challenge each other, it is to increase understanding and get better. And when things come between people, as they occasionally do, they talk about it. And how they get through it all builds trust, strengthens the relationships, and keeps growing the possibilities.
Crux Experiential Training and Development Methodology
Anybody who has gone into work with great intentions and tried to make big changes, knows that talking about it is not the same as doing it. And even strong teams that interact well, can find that when the pressure is really on, there is a whole different set of behaviors that can impact their work.
Crux experiential training tools, combined with expert facilitation provides a safe and healthy place to explore your team’s dynamics in a building way. These highly engaging activities become a learning laboratory that allows teams to “do” their team dynamics just like they do at work. It is not role playing. These are the real behaviors, communication patterns, and emotions, and the real people and relationships that make up your team. And with the benefit of the “mirror” the activity provides for your team, the exploration is powerfully productive, and leads to breakthrough team understandings that will build and strengthen your critical relationships.
Crux Team Self-Assessment (TSA)
The Crux TSA is our own in-house team development tool, refined over 20 years with 100’s of leadership teams. As a pre-program tool, your results are compiled and then used during the offsite to ensure you are having the right conversations to get everyone fully aligned and moving forward together. Then, after you’ve been back at work testing your new team process, a post-assessment is administered to build a pre/post comparison to confirm your efforts are leading to improvement and pointing ahead to the steps that will protect your investment and point the way to continued development. We followed all 17 leadership teams that went through a Crux Program in a two year period. Check out the results of our study.
Check Out the Study Results (PDF)Everything DiSC
There are a lot of “style” tools out there, Crux most often uses the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile because it’s user friendly, it makes easy sense and there is enough information in each profile to please the most interested clients. And most of all, for our purpose, we can introduce the tool and teams can start applying the results to their relationships and their team dynamics almost immediately.
The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile provides participants with valuable insights that unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration. In this personalized, 20-page profile, participants will explore the priorities that drive their behavior, learn what comes naturally and what might be challenging when interacting with others, and gain actionable strategies to strengthen their interpersonal interactions at all levels in the workplace. The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation at an additional charge.

Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
When the book came out that first introduced the Five Behaviors model it resonated powerfully with what we had been experiencing with our clients for many years. It simply, but accurately helped team members connect the power of their relationships to their team’s performance. Now there are two assessments that use the Five Behaviors model combined with the DiSC style assessment to point a path forward to high performance.
When the objectives are right, whether its with an intact team or for individual development, this is one set of the tools that we lean on.
The Five Behaviors® is the result of the partnership between Wiley Workplace Learning Solutions and best-selling author Patrick Lencioni, to deliver a premiere learning solution that improves team effectiveness and productivity through the understanding and application of The Five Behaviors: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. This unique learning experience helps build a culture of high-performing teams through better communication and collaboration.